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000001_amos-request@svcs1.digex.net_Fri Jan 2 18:03:43 1998.msg
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>From amos-request@svcs1.digex.net Fri Jan 2 18:03:43 1998
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Subject: New Extension
Date: Fri, 2 Jan 98 22:37:58 +0100
x-mailer: Claris Emailer 2.0v2, June 6, 1997
From: Timo Engman <timoeng@hem1.passagen.se>
To: "AMOS List" <amos-list@access.digex.net>
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Status: O
I'm Timo Engman, and programming a new extension - which is called
"Second-Hand Extension", the current version is 0.01d6 but please, all
AMOSPro users - mail me and let me hear if I may add new commands to this
extension that the users want...For now, the extension have five commands
:-) pretty lame. But I learning how to program the graphics...
Bmove adr,x - move bytes quick as hell much faster than Poke (no checking)
Wmove adr,x - same here but words much faster than Doke
Lmove adr,x - same here but longwords , faster than Loke
I mean 4-5 times faster !!!
and then two shitty commands
Shand Version
Shand Stage$
The extension uses slot 22 but mail me and I may change it to whatever.
Check the aminet/dev/amos/ for this extension...later...
Maybe I mail the .Lib file soon, to the Mailing List.
A Problem 1: How to return a string from a routine (and change it's
length) from it, the string is in the extension
dc.w TheLength
dc.b "TheString",0
Problem 2: How to get a pointer from the extension in assembler,
typically i want the pointer for a variable, same as Varptr(variable) and
pointer for an array, same as Varptr(var(array))
Hope that all peoples understanding my bad english (I'm swedish)...And
those people who don't like the assembler language.
/Timo Engman